Primate’s Easter Message 2017

Primate’s Easter Message 2017

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

He is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!

THE ancient Easter proclamation sounds out again throughout the Church: Christ is risen! Easter breaks forth with a joy unmatched, with new hope and new life — eternal life! We will see again those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, in a life that will know no end. Love has triumphed over hatred, truth over lies, life over death. Our Lenten fast is over, we have walked the way of Calvary and beheld the empty tomb. It is Eastertide once more!

The liturgy of Easter is rich in symbolism and Christian tradition. In the darkness of the empty tomb, in the darkness of a fallen world, in the darkness of the heart of man a Light shines forth — it is the Light of Christ. The hour of darkness is over; now is the hour of salvation.

In the Easter liturgies of the Church we hear anew the ancient prophecies of Holy Scripture and listen to the age-old Proclamation of Easter, revealing to us God’s plan of salvation — now made real for us in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Paschal Candle burns brightly again in our midst; and with a joy which fills our hearts and lifts our voices, we sing again the triumphant hymn: ‘Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!’

There is no Season greater than that of Easter in all the Christian year. Christmas heralded the Word made flesh, Epiphany the manifestation of God to the nations; Lent, the depth of God’s love for His people; and Easter, our salvation from sin and death in the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Each Easter, the peace and power of the Risen Christ is renewed in the life of every Christian. The Church is enlivened again, empowered with the Spirit of the Risen Lord. Before us lies the world in all its sin and misery, its false hopes and deluded joys. But as the Church Militant we advance upon this world with power and faith, proclaiming to every culture and people the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

As the disciples of Jesus went forth into their world to speak of the Risen Christ, we too need to go out into our world, to our neighbours, our friends, family, co-workers, and witness to them our faith in Jesus; inviting them to know the love and joy which is ours as Christians and traditional Anglicans; inviting them to join us in the worship and praise of God this Eastertide.

Ours is an Easter Faith; we are an Easter people. During the fifty days of Easter let us celebrate the joyous fact of our redemption. Let us live as people charged with the spirit of the Risen Christ, eager to spread the good news of salvation. Let us share with all we meet the hope that is ours as Christians. It will be through our faithful witness to Christ crucified and risen that others will come to know Jesus and the transforming grace of His Cross and Resurrection.

May all our Churches, Dioceses, Parishes and Missions across the Traditional Anglican Communion be blessed this Easter Season with a faith renewed and an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit. And may I extend to you all my blessing and prayers for a joyous Eastertide.


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